Whats Happening To Me? (Boy) Book - A Book About Puberty

  • Whats Happening To Me? (Boy) Book - A Book About Puberty-Calmer Classrooms,Helps With,Life Skills,Puberty,Specialised Books,Stock,Teenage Help Books,Usborne Books-Learning SPACE
  • Whats Happening To Me? (Boy) Book - A Book About Puberty-Calmer Classrooms,Helps With,Life Skills,Puberty,Specialised Books,Stock,Teenage Help Books,Usborne Books-Learning SPACE
  • Whats Happening To Me? (Boy) Book - A Book About Puberty-Calmer Classrooms,Helps With,Life Skills,Puberty,Specialised Books,Stock,Teenage Help Books,Usborne Books-Learning SPACE
  • Whats Happening To Me? (Boy) Book - A Book About Puberty-Calmer Classrooms,Helps With,Life Skills,Puberty,Specialised Books,Stock,Teenage Help Books,Usborne Books-Learning SPACE

Whats Happening To Me? (Boy) Book - A Book About Puberty

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£9.59 No. VAT

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Product Description:

With bright, cartoon-style illustrations and clear diagrams this sensitive, detailed and informative guide explains male puberty in a reassuring and friendly way. It tackles everything from physical and hormonal changes to emotional upheaval. Ideal for libraries and schools, the contents and index pages make key topics easy to find.

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Usborne Books


  • 8 + Years Old
  • 5 - 7 Year Olds