Past Bulk Orders

We are a very agile company and are able to adapt to our customers needs. Sourcing desired products,creating bespoke products, developing marketing materials such as a training website or special product packaging.

We use our expertise, linking with our strong connections in this field to help manage projects so that they flow successfully and exceed your desired outcomes.

Working with The Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the AIM Project was commissioned to ensure young children with special educational needs in Ireland are nurtured and included in activities in the early education setting.

Learning SPACE successfully fulfilled the AIM Inclusive Play Pack Project. We created and supplied over 6500 nursery schools with resource packs including hard copy instructional guides, in either English or Irish, as well as developing an online training website.

Dr. Anne-Marie Brooks Principal Officer Early Years Policies and Programmes DCYA commented on the tailored solution that AIM received from Learning SPACE, “exceeded their expectations.”


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