Cosy Outdoor Toddler Area Bundle - Small (70m2)-Cosy Direct,Cosy Kits,Cosy Outdoor-Learning SPACE

Northern Ireland Outdoor Learning Project

£4m has been set aside through the Outdoor Learning Project for educational play equipment and resources at all nursery and primary schools in Northern Ireland – this grant funding needs to be spent by the end of March.

The aim of the Outdoor Learning Project is to provide funding for outdoor learning equipment that will support the delivery of high quality creative and innovative outdoor play and learning experiences for all children in nursery, primary and special schools.

Cosy was founded 14 years ago as a specialist in outdoor education for children ages 0-8 years old. Our inspirational, open ended, natural resources and freestanding outdoor equipment are designed to support the delivery of high quality creative and innovative outdoor play and learning experiences for all children.

Learning SPACE are the sole providers of Cosy Direct in Northern Ireland and they have created a range of outdoor set-ups that you can invest in that give you the best value for money alongside the highest-quality resources. Learning SPACE are also on the EDR 24-001 Classroom resources tender, Lot 6 – Educational Play Equipment. 

Call the Learning SPACE Education Advisors on 02890 319360 fill in the form and someone will call you back to discuss your needs.

Outdoor Classroom

Playground Equipment

Outdoor Climbing Frames

Mud Kitchens

Greenhouses & Planters

Outdoor Garden - Joined Unit Bundle 3-5Yrs - Small (70m2)-Cosy Direct,Cosy Kits,Cosy Outdoor-Learning SPACE

Pre Made Sets

Cosy Outdoor 2025